Teeth Grinding & Clenching (Bruxism)

Teeth Grinding & Clenching (Bruxism)

Conditions We Treat

Conditions We Treat

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a term used to describe the habit of grinding, clenching, or gnashing one's teeth. This condition also occurs during waking hours but is typically more common during sleep. Bruxism can affect both adults and children. Bruxism can lead to various dental issues, jaw pain, headaches, and other complications over time.

Why am I Grinding and Clenching my Teeth?

The exact cause of bruxism is not always clear, but various factors may contribute to its development. Stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, certain lifestyle factors, genetics and certain medications can all play a role in triggering bruxism. Bruxism can also be a response to pain, such as an earache or toothache, or it can be a habitual behaviour. In some cases, it may be related to other medical conditions such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or movement disorders.

How do I know if I have Bruxism?

Teeth grinding & clenching, (bruxism) often results in excessive and uneven wear on the top surfaces of your teeth. This wear can render you more prone to broken dental fillings and crowns, as well as tiny fissures and cracks that may reach the nerve inside your teeth, necessitating a root canal. Over time, continual teeth grinding can weaken the roots and attachment of your teeth to your bone, potentially leading to tooth loss. Moreover, frequent teeth grinding is strongly associated with various TMJ disorders, headaches and other complications over time.

What can be done to help my Bruxism?

Treatment for bruxism typically involves addressing underlying factors contributing to the condition and managing symptoms. This may include stress reduction techniques, relaxation exercises, behavioural therapy, dental interventions such as wearing a mouthguard or splint to protect the teeth, and, in some cases, medication. In certain cases of severe bruxism, specialised therapeutic injections into the jaw muscles can be considered. This treatment temporarily weakens the jaw muscles, reducing the clenching forces on the teeth. However, not all individuals are suitable candidates for these injections. It is crucial to undergo a thorough evaluation by an orofacial pain expert before considering any therapeutic injections. Early detection and management of bruxism can help prevent dental damage and alleviate associated symptoms. In cases where a multidisciplinary approach is beneficial, Dr. Chah will refer you to a trusted network of healthcare practitioners and collaborate closely with them to ensure comprehensive care. This collaborative approach enables us to address all facets of your condition and develop a personalised treatment protocol tailored to your specific needs.