What is Persistent Neuropathic Facial Pain?
Persistent Neuropathic facial pain is a persistent and intense pain, which can be constant and described in diverse ways and impacts the nerves within the mouth and facial region. Unlike nociceptive pain, which results from actual or potential tissue damage, persistent neuropathic facial pain is caused by a malfunction in the trigeminal nerves themselves. This dysfunction of the trigeminal neural pathways can be caused by a number of factors including but not limited to certain and auto-immune conditions and in some cases, spontaneously for no apparent reason.
How do I know if I have Persistent Neuropathic Facial Pain?
Persistent Neuropathic facial pain can feel like burning, aching, squeezing, pins and needles, or other sensations. Sometimes, it’s difficult to diagnose because people describe it in different ways. Short episodes of severe pain may occur intermittently, but they do not represent the primary form of pain experienced in these conditions. People with this type of pain often have changes in how their face feels or reacts to touch, like being extra sensitive or feeling pain from things that shouldn’t hurt. Neuropathic pain often intertwines with associated symptoms like sleep disturbances and mood changes. This aspect of the condition is also considered in many cases when helping patients manage persistent neuropathic facial pain.
Can anything be done to help my Persistent Neuropathic Facial Pain?
For individuals grappling with facial neuropathic pain daily, an accurate diagnosis and timely intervention can be transformative. The first step to getting help with managing symptoms of persistent neuropathic facial pain is to undergo a comprehensive orofacial pain assessment. The outcomes of the assessment would typically form the foundations of a pain management plan that is often multi-disciplinary in nature. In these instances, Dr. Chah works in close partnership with your neurologists, neurosurgeons, and other medical experts to formulate a comprehensive strategy focused on effectively managing your symptoms and enhancing your overall quality of life.
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